Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vitamins Health Nutrition

*Vitamins Health

Are you concerned about your health?

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I believe that you will gain new insights into health and welllness, through
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*Signup for Vitamins Health and Nutrition Newsletter

*Shauna Link*

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cancer: Leading Cause of Death in Americans

The results are in. Cancer has become the leading cause of death for Americans – it's responsible for more deaths than heart disease, according to information released Thursday from The American Cancer Society.

What is your biggest threat?

Lung cancer. It's the cause of one-third of cancer deaths in men and one-fourth in women. But luckily, some people are listening to the message that tobacco kills – death rates for women are coming to a plateau and men's death rates are decreasing.

The second leading cause of cancer death?

Breast cancer for women, prostate cancer for men. These types of cancer impact many lives, but advancement in treatment and mammograms are making a difference for women with breast cancer, as death rates have decreased from past years. Prostate cancer deaths are also lower than they have been in the past.

The third leading cause of cancer death?

Colon cancer. Only half of people over age 50 are getting the screening they need. A shame, since doctors can catch colon cancer early – sometime before growths even have a chance to become cancerous. But screening tests are needed.

Don't smoke – lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer death. Though it's difficult to quit and it may not seem beneficial in the short term, it could save your life. Get the help you need – talk to you doctor, lean on friends, and put together a health program. You can live without tobacco. You will need help to put down that cigarette and light up your life.

Stay at a healthy weight – it's hard to stay at a healthy weight with the convenience of fast food, large portion sizes, and limited time to shop and prepare healthy meals. But making time to walk each day, crunching on slices of apple instead of potato chips, and drinking plenty of water can add up to life-saving results. Every day, add another fruit, vegetable, or minute to your daily walk. Strive to eat 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, along with lean proteins and whole grains. You can do it! You're stronger than you think.

Get antioxidants – science has shown that antioxidants may help prevent cancer, by neutralizing cell-damaging free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are missing an electron – and they'll damage healthy cells in your body in their quest for that electron. Once a cell is damaged, it becomes a free radical itself, causing a vicious cycle of cell damage. Antioxidants act as a stand-in – they fill in the gaps and provide just the right number of electrons, satisfying electron-hungry free-radicals and preventing further destruction. You can get antioxidants in your diet with fruits, vegetables and quality targeted nutrition. Just think, with each blueberry you pop in your mouth, you could be reducing your risk!

Get the antioxidants you need to help neutralize cell-damaging free radicals with Trivita's Super Antioxidant Complex™. To learn more about this product, visit TriVita

Shauna Link
TriVita ID#13229094

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nutrition: Good Fats

Most of us have heard about how fats are bad for us -- but this isn’t always the case. Some fats are very good for our ongoing well being. Two of these fats are Omega-3 and Omega-6. Not only are they good for us, they’re actually indispensible, which is why they are also called Essential Fatty Acids (EFA;s).

There are two reasons why these Omega fatty acids are considered essential:
* First, by nourishing our heart, brain, skin, glands and joints and by helping the process that produces our hormones, these two EFA's play crucial roles in helping us sustain vibrant good health -- from early adulthood development on up through healthy aging in the senior years.
* Second, because our bodies cannot make them internally, we have to get the Omega fatty acids from outside sources, such as diet and supplements.

Why Omega Fatty Acids are so indispensible to our health
Omega Fatty Acids support our wellness in so many ways, starting with helping to reduce runaway inflammation. Many of us don’t realize this, but runaway inflammation can lead to various serious health problems in the body involving the heart, arteries, lungs, joints and more. But the EFA's support the body’s health by helping to:

* Reduce Cardiovascular Inflammation -- which lowers the risks of heart disease, heart attack and stroke
* Lessen Joint Inflammation -- which eases joint pain & inflammation for increased flexibility
* Relieve Respiratory Inflammation – which lessens any inflammation-related to allergies and asthma

In addition, Omega EFA's are vital for supporting the body in other functions, such as:

* Helping the Brain: EFA's nourish the brain, support its development and protect against deterioration – all of which helps boost brain function for improved memory, concentration and focus
* Protecting Circulation: EFA's help raise levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and lower levels of triglycerides and unhealthy LDL (bad cholesterol) – which helps lead to a healthy heart and circulatory system
* Supporting Hormone Production: EFA's are a key building block for the production of the body’s healthy hormones – which assist with all body processes and help support an overall sense of both physical and mental balance and well being.

Plus Omega EFA's help meet the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines. A person needs one daily dose of Omega Fatty Acids which provides the amount of Omega-3 recommended by the AHA for healthy individuals, as well as for those who have heart disease or the risk of it.. We can all benefit from learning about the nutrition needs of our body by googling Trivita.

Choose to nourish your body with Omega Fatty Acids
When it comes to our health and our pressing need for EFA's, it’s important to choose the right product .Learning more about how Vitamins, health and nutrition affect our daily lives, we can live more vibrantly by giving our bodies the vital support that’s needed – by taking Omega fatty acids. Discover how the premier blend of essential fatty acids, in their most pure and potent state, can enrich your well-being.

Shauna Link
TriVita Affiliate ID #13229094

Health Solution for our Unhealthy World

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea

So many astonishing benefits in a bottle!
Experience Nopalea, the delicious drink that can help your body:
* Relieve all types of pain
* Normalize blood pressure
* Improve breathing difficulties caused by allergies or asthma
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Drink it and thrive!
Nopalea – the new health solution for today’s unhealthy world

Today’s world relentlessly threatens your body’s health
Every day brings new waves of toxins, pollutants, bacteria, viruses and chemicals into your body from the air you breathe, the water you drink, the foods you eat and even the things you touch. Furthermore, your body’s health is also undermined by emotional stress, nutritionally deficient diets, metabolic wastes and physical injuries and trauma.

Your body responds to health threats with inflammation
When your body is subject to threatening elements or events, it counters these attacks with the defense mechanism of inflammation.

But inflammation can be very dangerous
Inflammation doesn’t just happen in your muscles and joints. It also happens everywhere else throughout your body, wherever your cells are being stressed or attacked. So, right now, as you read this, you could be suffering from any of these kinds of inflammation and their related health problems:

* Muscle, joint and bone inflammation – causing ongoing body pain
* Pulmonary inflammation – causing allergies and asthmatic reactions
* Arterial inflammation – causing high blood pressure
* Digestive tract inflammation – causing ulcers and IBS
* Widespread body cell inflammation – causing overall tiredness

Drink Nopalea to save yourself, save your health, save the day! Nopalea is your premier wellness partner in your body’s never-ending, daily battle for good health. Working in two vital ways, Nopalea helps to neutralize your body’s inner toxins and reduce its inflammation. Which means it helps your body get the great relief it needs today… and helps protect it from contracting debilitating illnesses in the future.

Inflammation is the Problem, Nopalea is the Wellness Solution!
Learn more at Vitamins Health Nutrition.

Shauna Link
TriVita Affiliate ID 13229094

Relieving Allergy Symptoms and Breathing Easy

In the wake of so many natural disasters at home and abroad, it is sometimes easy to think that the worst is over once the storms have passed. But the damage left behind by any disaster can continue to cause health problems long after the event has passed. One such cause of lingering health issues is mold, which often forms as a result of excess moisture or standing water. And it doesn’t take a disaster to produce mold; it can appear anywhere, at any time. People sensitive to mold – those having weak immune systems, allergies, or other respiratory problems – will experience a difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath. Mold infections can even occur in the lungs.

Ways to Prevent Mold
Inspecting homes for discoloration, water damage or mold growth
Locating and cleaning the source of any bad odor, such as a musty or earthy smell
Keeping kitchens and bathrooms dry
Fixing any leaks indoors

Don’t let mold compound an existing health problem or cause a new one. Prevent it from gaining a foothold in your home, and breathe easy.

Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is essential for health. If you are breathing correctly – for five minutes, five times a day – your shoulders will stay relaxed as you inhale. Your abdomen will swell on the inhale, and collapse on the exhale (using your diaphragm muscle).

If you find that you must set aside time to practice deep breathing, why not give the exercise a little more meaning? Spend your breathing time in prayers of thanksgiving and rejoicing. Or, if there are concerns you need to pray about, using deep breathing exercises while praying is a good way to not only get the problem off your chest and into Divine hands, but will also physically relax you as you breathe. Deep breathing will also clear your mind, allowing for emotional clarity. Try listening to inspirational music during your breathing to help foster positive thoughts.

Taking at least five deep breaths from your abdomen several times a day will reduce anxiety and promote a more positive outlook – equally as important to your health as exercise and nutrition.

If you have trouble taking in a full breath of air, learn more about how Vitamins B5 and antioxidants can help with congestion, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing with ephedra-free nutrients. Click Here

You can find TriVita on google.

Shauna Link
TriVita Affiliate Member ID 13229094

Friday, July 10, 2009

Globesity: Global Obesity

Globesity: Global Obesity
Everyone goes through life with a certain amount of "baggage" -- an inheritance that's both physical and emotional in nature. When it comes to our physical inheritance (our genes), many women feel that there's not much they can do to change matters. But "DNA" doesn't spell "destiny" -- and we do have the ability to influence how our genes respond to our environment.

The conversation between your genes and your environment is particularly encouraging when it comes to weight loss. Women who struggle with their weight often feel as though they are pre-programmed to be heavy. So let's learn how the metabolic "set point" works -- and how we can change it.

A recipe for “re-setting” your set point
It’s a revelation to many women that they can influence their genes and aren’t doomed to being overweight because of their heredity. For many women, this means changing long-standing ways of thinking or acting, and that can be difficult — but it’s far from impossible, and the benefits last a lifetime.

If you’re ready to have an enrolling conversation with your genes, there are several actions you can take to help fine-tune your set point:

* Look for the core imbalances that may lie at the heart of your original weight gain. It’s important to identify these health issues and imbalances, because until they’re addressed, you will have a tough time resetting your metabolic dial.
* Examine your emotional inheritance, particularly if you’re an emotional eater. Very few women in our culture go through life without ever experiencing a powerful, and often unhealthy, relationship with food. Understanding the feelings that trigger unhealthy eating habits can take you a long way toward changing those habits.
* Look for enjoyable ways to fit exercise into your routine — even if it’s for only 20 minutes or so. During that 20 minutes, try “bursting” four to six times — ramping up the intensity for about a minute — to boost your metabolism without over-exercising. Your body is built to move, so begin gently if you need to, and work up from there.
* Optimize your nutrition. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing effort — simple changes to your diet can reduce your toxic load and increase your nutrient intake. Taking a quality multivitamin–mineral and essential fatty acids will help fill common gaps. Emphasizing specific nutrients appropriate for your metabolic type will provide additional benefits in the long-term.
* Prepare yourself for change. Many women struggle with their weight because the day-to-day priorities of work and caring for others interfere with the changes they want or need to make. Often women get discouraged when their initial efforts fail. Luckily, we can make a fresh start with each new day.
* Laugh! Studies have shown again and again that a positive attitude and good sense of humor help many health conditions — and many of the imbalances that lead to weight gain have a strong stress component.

Food as information
Today there’s an entire field of research called nutrigenomics, or “nutritional genomics,” investigating the effects nutrients have upon genes in both disease and health. The information our genes receive from our food can be a powerful way to “convince” them to respond in ways that are healthy — and it’s not so much about how much we eat (although obviously, overeating isn’t going to help anyone) than about what we eat. Food that is rich in phytonutrients and low in added sugars and chemicals speaks differently to our genes and cells than processed foods. A healthy diet of whole, organic foods reminds our genes and cells of how a healthy body should respond and supports smooth functioning of the body’s systems.

Emotional buttons — switching genes on or off
We’ve always known intuitively that laughter is the best medicine, but before now we haven’t really grasped why. Some of the most interesting research being done today is showing how gene expression can be altered by emotions. Studies of laughter therapy in type 2 diabetics showed that as many as 23 different genes were altered as a byproduct of laughter. Not only that, but the activity of several blood enzymes and their precursors changed as well, in ways that were beneficial toward preventing a range of metabolic imbalances.

So one of the ways that we can send positive signals to our genes, cells, and proteins is by cultivating positive emotions. At the same time, addressing sources of negative emotions — particularly trauma from our past that is a continual source of sadness, guilt, shame, or anger — can reduce the flow of negative messages to our genes and cells.

Exercising regularly — and having fun
Exercise, too, has been shown to affect gene expression. When you start using your muscles more, genes within skeletal muscle cells respond by programming the production of different amounts of proteins and new muscle cells, along with changing metabolic processes. These changes are beneficial, for the most part, although it’s also possible to over-exercise — and when we do, that’s actually stressful for the body, and triggers cell damage.

I would also add that doing less intense exercise that you enjoy is probably more beneficial than too much high-intensity exercise that just isn’t fun, not only because you’re more likely to continue exercising regularly if you like what you’re doing, but because the boost you get from having fun adds to the benefit on all levels.

Communicating with your genes: emotions, exercise, and food
In functional medicine, changes in health — good or bad — often reflect communication between your environment and the tissues, cells, and genes of your body. “Environment” in this sense means the physical world you live in; the food, air, and water that you take in as nourishment; and your emotional surroundings, past as well as present. Certain forms of communication can be healthy for one person but profoundly unhealthy for another, depending on our genetic blueprint. All this potential variation explains why some people can eat gluten or dairy and have no ill effects, for example, but others cannot, or why an acute illness or other stressor can precipitate all kinds of health problems where before there were none.

Learn more here about your successful weight loss program and enjoying life at an improved level.

Shauna Link

Healthy Eating This Summer

Eating fruits in season is a wonderful way to enjoy fresh flavors while you can. Enjoy these summer fruits at your next family picnic, or for an anytime snack.

In season from June to August, this tasty melon makes more than a beautiful summer salad. Cantaloupe contains a lot of Vitamin A, making it great for eye health. It also contains Vitamin C, potassium and folate. So go find your melon baller and whip up a delicious salad!

Whether you add them to your morning cereal, eat them with a bit of dark chocolate drizzled on top, or include them in a fruit smoothie, strawberries are good anytime. Packed with Vitamin K, manganese and Vitamin C, this favorite summer berry is at its best from April through July.

Ripest in the summer, a warm-weather get-together just wouldn't be the same without slices of this fun and refreshing treat. An excellent source of Vitamin C, watermelon is also a very good source of Vitamin A and B-6.

Crisp, sweet and refreshing, apples are packed with Vitamins C, K and dietary fiber. And a new study shows Red Delicious may have more antioxidants than other types, though all are good for you. The study was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , in the June 29th issue.

Fun tip
For a refreshing snack by the pool, make Fruit-Kabobs! Simply cut up your favorite fruits into bite-sized pieces and skewer them together.
Do you eat 5-9 servings of antioxidant-packed fruits and veggies every day? Learn more about TriVita's Super Antioxidant Complex?. It's the doctor-formulated way to neutralize harmful free-radicals. Go Here

Shauna Link - TriVita Affiliate ID #13229094